MASHUP: Design Nothing Design Everything
Mobile Community Centers for Times of Dislocation
Comprehensive Building Design• CCA • FALL 2007 • Instructors: Doris Guerrero and Peter Anderson

In this studio, we will attempt to define the basic requirements of a human community by designing community center buildings for populations that have been displaced. There are many kinds of displacement—some good, some bad. When people move to a new place it may be for opportunity, or as the unwelcome result of hardship or catastrophe.
Whatever the reason, new communities are inevitable and ubiquitous. The world is in transition, and as people move from place to place, they need architectural responses to meet their needs. But what makes a community, as opposed to a population of individuals or family units? What type of structure, beyond multiple units of shelter, defines the architecture of a community?
The program for this studio is to create a community center building that serves the needs of a community beyond the immediate requirements of individual or family shelter from the environment. We will work in 2 person groups, and each group will have the same base program in a dramatically different locational and situational context, but the larger condition common to all groups is the geopolitical landscape of modern China. The constant is the need to define and satisfy the requirements for a community center that is disconnected from the support systems we all take for granted. This off-grid building must exist as a closed-loop system of energy, water and waste. In addition, it must provide the modern necessities of communication, information access, and environmental control.
We will work within strict restrictions of size, weight, and technology, requiring all components and tools needed to assemble the structure to fit within a standard 40’ shipping container. Almost all of the pieces must be currently available industrial components, chosen by the design teams for their performance characteristics and parametric specifications. Our designs will be comprehensive in all respects: every part and every function, including aesthetic implications, of the building will be designed, documented, analyzed, and integrated into a fully reasoned comprehensive whole.
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